
,,2022年12月8日—IcouldsayIneverdaretothinkaboutyouinthatway-我可以说我从来不敢那样想你ButIwouldbelyin',yeah-但我会撒谎,是的AndIpretend ...,,,,,,2021年8月15日—IcouldsayIneverdare我可以說我從不敢.Tothinkaboutyouinthatway,but用那種方式想念你.Iwouldbelyin'但不想你是騙人的,IcouldsayIneverdare.我其實可以說我從來不敢.tothinkaboutyouinthatway,but.這麼地想著你,但是.Iwouldbelyin'.我想我在說謊吧.

dhruv – double take 英語歌詞中國人翻譯

2022年12月8日 — I could say I never dare to think about you in that way- 我可以说我从来不敢那样想你But I would be lyin', yeah- 但我会撒谎,是的And I pretend ...

dhruv - double take中應歌詞 - 大米's Backpack

2021年8月15日 — I could say I never dare 我可以說我從不敢. To think about you in that way, but 用那種方式想念你. I would be lyin' 但不想你是騙人的

【歌詞翻譯】dhruv - Double take 細看 - 寄託。

I could say I never dare. 我其實可以說我從來不敢. to think about you in that way, but. 這麼地想著你,但是. I would be lyin'. 我想我在說謊吧.